My uncle owned a plantation that used mules for power even though tractors were available. We think of mules as animals that stubbornly stand still when we want them to move. But that's not all they do. They also move when they are suppose to stand still, and usually in the wrong direction. And woe to anyone who gets in an open field with them when they are loose. I am convinced that all their laziness is just an act to put people off guard so they can trample them to death. I still carry in my mind the picture of rough men wrestling with unruly mules. After the men convinced the mules that the people were in control, the mules would settle down and get to work. But each day, the men had to go through the same steps. The point is that the people who worked with mules had to keep them under tight control or they would go their own way and no work would get done. That's the same way time is. It has a mind of its own. If we don't control it, it will take off, dragging us behind it. And we'll be flailing our arms and screaming that we dont have enough time to to do what needs to be done. Time takes on a life and will of its own if we do not harness it to our plans and get it to accomplish our goals.Sandra Felton, from her book
Organizing for Life
Such true words - time management is a skill to be learnt. I often look back over the day, the week or the month and think what have I achieved during the amount of hours I had been given.
This is good. Lately, I have not been doing a good job on managing my time wisely. i keep thinking tomorrow I will do better. Well, guess what. I don't. Maybe I need to get this book and see if it helps me. I also need to start my lists again. I use to make a list of things to accomplish each day. For some reason I quit doing this. When I had the list I would try to stay on track. I try flylady and sometimes I just get overwhelemed. One day....
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