When the weather looks clearer, I venture out, stopping at the gas station on the way for gas, diet coke and a paper. I have recently been trying to keep my car full of gas, because it does not take as much money to fill up at the tank that is already half full and it makes me feel better having a full tank for any little unknown that I might run into (like yesterday- see post below).
BUT... gas station was OUT OF GAS. This is getting me a little nervous... this morning gas is $3.60 and the gas station is out of gas?!
Work, work, work.... eat lunch at my desk while watching the news and reading the paper..... work, work, work....
It was a beautiful afternoon for my drive home, the sun was shining and traffic was very light. A lot of people must have taken the day off. I think the schools are closed. It really makes a difference in the traffic.
After picking up my husband at home, we enjoyed a nice dinner out, and discuss the fact that his secretary just bought a very expensive purse, then he saw someone selling a knockoff version of the exact same purse out of the trunk of their car. He couldn't tell the difference
I again tell him how I much I really want a nice purse and how I wished to have an expensive purse, but he is overjoyed that I just can not bring myself to spend that kind of money on a purse. I want one, but just cant bring myself to buy one.
We got home in time to see the season finale of his favorite TV show, My name is Earl,
Oh! I forgot to mail the State Taxes off and today is the last day! Nothing like waiting until the VERY LAST MINUTE..... I run back out the door to the Post Office then finally make it by the gas station. Gas has gone down during the day to $3.58. It takes $43 to fill my tank- and I already had 1/4 of the tank left. It was also $5 for a gallon of milk. A few minutes at the gas station and I am broke. This is another reason I don't buy an expensive purse. All my money goes to gas and milk.
Walking back in the door, I find that my husband has made peanut butter crunch- basically its rice krispy treats substituting the peanut butter for the marsh mellow.
I eat the whole pan.
No, I'm kidding. I only have one large portion. They are so good when still warm with a cold glass of $5 gas station milk.
Today's mail brought some sample cookbooks. I go through the package, looking at examples and choices for different bindings, colors, fonts and covers. My cousins and I are putting together a family cookbook and auditioning companies to make one. I really like the ones I received, and they seem to be so affordable!
I begin my before bed routine, clothes laid out for tomorrow, dishes in dishwasher, vitamins, another piece of peanut butter crunch, hot bath and can it be time for bed already?
See other day in the life posts here

Gosh I hope you're all ok after the storm. Are gas prices expensive in your area? here in NZ they just seem to go up and up!
Wow what a day you've had huh!!!. When you mentioned about expensive purses I just smiled because my daughter got me a DB purse and a friend gave me a coach as a gift, but you know what?? I find myself going back to my plain ordinary purses from Rosses or walmart lol. I guess for me I just love the plain and simple, and my hubby says because I love to change my handbags so much he is happy they are not expensive ones lol. Hope everything is okay after the storm, here in Hawaii gas is crazy as well. I also dropped by to see how your prayer is comming along , we are at the halfway point of the 31 days of prayer and I have left a post open for anyone to share their journey tis far.. Blessings Lorie
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