Monday, August 4, 2008

Menu planning Monday

Its too hot to cook- but it makes my menu planning so much easier.

Monday: Chicken Salad Sandwich.
Tuesday: Pork Chops on the grill with veggies.
Wednesday: Club Sandwich.
Thursday: Eating out (work function)
Friday: Buttermilk pancakes (made by adding buttermilk to Bisquick mix) and bacon.

You can see more weekly menus here , ones that are probably a lot more exciting than mine.


gin said...

thanks! i like it all and that is what we will be eating this week. so nice of you to do all the work (thinking) for me!

tammi said...

Simple and yummy ~ the best kind of menu!!

Courtney said...

That plan would go well here too, as it is super hot. (heat index of 112 degrees today, ugh!)

Extraordinary Ordinary Life said...

It is hot here so I can only imagine how hot it is down there! The menu looks very tasty especially pork chops on the grill.

Pegi said...

Sounds light - - but nutritious - - did you ever consider opening your own restaurant ? I would lend a helping hand!

abeachcottage said...

well Friday seems the very best day to me, I just love Buttermilk pancakes, but no-one makes em like you guys in the States, just don't get that here...