I began praying that God would lay on the Bible Teacher's heart topics for Bible study that would be interesting and draw more women my age in the church. As I was praying one morning... (maybe more like whining my lack of bible study choices), I heard the very clear voice of God telling me to have a bible study in my home and do the studies that I have been waiting for someone else to do and to use the studies to reach women in the community.
You know sometimes you hear God's voice, but its faint, and you can talk yourself into ignoring it. You start wondering... did I really hear that? No! That's not what he said! I was mistaken! I said it to myself! I can just ignore it! That's not really what he meant! But this was not the case... it was so clear it was unmistakable and there was no way to talk myself out of it.... I tried, and then I delayed,and then I found some excuses.
My house is not finished and ready for company.
I am not a teacher.
There is only one working bathroom and that in the master bedroom (and even that one doesn't look so great).
My furniture is not nice enough.
I get nervous talking in front of a group.
I work full time and don't get home in time to get the house ready.
The dog is in the house and will drive everyone crazy.
But as I was delaying I found confirmation in every direction. My Sunday School teacher would look directly at me! In a class of 30 women! Directly at me! In my eyes! and speak about obeying God's call. I would pray one night for confirmation and the next morning read Hebrews 2, all about what happens when we do not obey. Every sermon preached focused on hearing from God and then doing what he said to do.
Above my many objections... I dragged myself to the bookstore, got the books and posted the signs and started the study (The frazzled Female by Cindi Wood- I cant link well right now- google it for information about book and study-it is a really good one.)
About 12-15 women came to the first study and are anxiously awaiting the next one to start (Victoriously Frazzled) and other women in the church in other neighborhoods are being recruited to hold studies in their homes.
I know this was not accomplished through my own trying, but through God's power. I think the key is to make yourself available, first to hear his voice, then to respond and he will accomplish what his purposes are.
I have found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, whatever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.
Philippines 4:12-13 (The Message Bible)
Look here for more!! Thanks Tyler for this series of God Chronicles!

BOBBIE - - what a beautiful testimony of what GOD is doing in your life, God will bless you greatly - -
I'm not holding a bible study in my home- -neither am I teaching - - but I do know that the Lord has opened doors for me - - to minister to the 'homebound' - - this is not a big ministry and neither does it appear to be exciting - - but it is a ministry that needs to be done - - and in return my heart overflows with joy undescribable - - -
God will use us in all types of ministry - - big or small - - all we have to do is open our heart and be willing.
May God continue to bless you as you serve HIM - - Luv ya'
This is WONDERFUL!!!!! look how God is using you, I agree God is going to bless you for this.
The Lord is always talking to us and I too am learning to start listening more.
What a great share!!!! and you are so right, I think the same things about my house, everything you wrote I can relate too.
Thank you,Thank you,Thank you!!!
Have a Blessed day, PLEASE keep me posted on how things are going..
Don't you just love it when God speaks?! You'll have to give us a post with some key things you've learned from "The Frazzled Female."
Thanks for joining in. Mr. Linky is up and running at my site now, so go ahead and link up!
Be blessed, my friend.
Bobbie ~ thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I was reading where y'all are going to be starting the bible study the victorious frazzled female. Our ladies group at church did that study last year and I LOVED it! I hope that y'all enjoy it as much as we did! Have a great day!
Too funny that both of our God Chronicles were about God speaking and about women's ministry, but in completely different ways!
I had the same experience in leading a women's Bible Study program a few years ago at our previous church, and it was so humbling and amazing to see what God can do through us when we listen and obey! He is a mighty God and He cares about us deeply! Thanks for sharing your story!
Wow, thanks for sharing that. Don't you think that sometimes the things that God is pushing us to do are things that are outside of our comfort zone? Maybe that's just how I feel. I am proud of you for taking on this challenge!!
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