After three hours (three hours!), my husband, who HATES cats, managed to catch the little thing and not fall off the roof breaking either of their necks. Women at his office were lined up to take the kitty home, but went home themselves instead of staying late waiting for the whole man on the roof catching a kitten craziness to be over.
Kitty was forced to spend the night in a big box in husband’s office with newspapers at one end and the only food he had to offer, Nutter Butter cookies, at the other end.
He comes home late, with kitty smell all over him, and finds a not so understanding dog.
The next morning finds the kitten in the box, minus a couple of cookies, inconsolably crying, constantly and loudly. So much so that husband relocates box to another office, the office full of women who are jocking for position to take the kitty home.
After lunch finds the box and the kitten have come back. Apparently the constant crying was too much for the offices upstairs.
My husband, who HATES cats, cant take the crying kitten either, and lets Kitty spend the entire afternoon running free on his desk until someone appears to take kitty to a new home, where he will live the remainder of his days as a barn cat, with quite the adventure to tell.

Awww, how nice of him. My husband would have thrown him outside and let him fend for himself but I'd want to keep him for sure!
what a happy ending for the cat.
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