I know I was wearing it when I went into the side yard..... out the kitchen door..... but then my memory gets fuzzy.........
OK... so I knew I wasn't suppose to go under that fence, but there is so much to look at, sniff at and chase in the back field, and I just couldn't help myself. I admit it.... I lost track of time. When I finally wondered back inside... I mean, when I was finally forced by my father to come back in....I was without the collar. We looked for it, but... no collar. We even went back the next day to look again. Still no collar. And I'm so upset about it all, I am just no help. I was having such a good time, I cant retrace my steps and find it! What am I going to do now?!
I just feel naked with out that collar.

If I were you, I would take that cutie pie right down to PetSmart and take him shopping for a new blue collar and other accessories.
You know, you can actually take your pet inside the store and let him choose things for himself. Has Butch ever been? I'm sure he would enjoy the shopping spree.
Oh No! I hope you find your collar. I'm sure you feel nakey without it. :)
I bet he is hiding it - - just so he can go shopping for another one! he's a cutie
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