The Baton Rouge Advocate has an award winning food section (published on Thursday). I also read The New Orleans Times Picquine food section (Thursdays) and The New York Times food section (Wednesdays) and occassionally The Seattle Times food section (published daily). Baton Rouge is by far the best one.
Is there a good food section in any other paper I should hear about?
This is one of the recipes I cut out and threw in my new basket on the kitchen counter. New system working great.
Add a stick of butter to skillet and let brown {but not burn} for 5-7 minutes.
I add a little garlic too.
Add diced ham.
Add chopped red bell pepper.
Cook the cheese stuffed tortellini according to the package.
Ravioli... Tortillini... whatever happens to get in the buggy at Wal-Mart...
Put 6 ozs of spinach in the colandor and pour the hot pasta water over it. Introduce the pasta and spinach party to the butter and ham party.
Although recipe didn't say so, cheese was invited to join.
And the finished product was, gone fast.
See more Foodie Friday here

Thanks for sharing such a delicious recipe! Looks easy too!
This looks so simple, easy and DELICIOUS!!! :)
that looks delicious! I can't wait to try it!
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