PB and J bars (recipe here) is the WORST kind of recipe.
everything i need to make it is always in my house.
it is delicious hot (i eat it with a spoon).
it is delicious cooled.
it is delicious straight out of the fridge.
it has PB and oatmeal so i convince myself its healthy.
it only makes a small pan (8x8), so i convince myself to make it often.
i can make it with any kind of jelly so i convince myself to make it and try different flavors.
i convince myself its ok to make because i'll have a glass of milk with it, and who doesn't need extra dairy?
i convince myself its ok to have some for breakfast.
i convince myself its ok to have as a before bed snack.
i convince myself its not so bad that i ate the whole pan by myself.
i convince myself to make it on saturday mornings.
i convince myself im not too tired to make it after work.
i do however, usually package some up for a friend.
then i have to convince myself to actually give it away.

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