Outside my window: First day back from vacation plus the coldest morning this year equals sleeping in and skipping Sunday School and church.
I did get out of bed a few times, but only to get coffee, grits, and a Bible Study.
One of my favorite things: Mostly, Sunday was a morning spent under the covers.
In the Kitchen: Made breakfast for lunch (brunch? second breakfast?)
A peek into my day: Outlet mall and doing errands both inside (laundry) and outside (groceries).
I am wearing: In Gulf Shores, I found a dark blue skirt but no jacket in my size. The black Friday deals are so good, this is where I get most of my clothes, and why my fall/winter wardrobe is much nicer than my summer one. (Thank you, Ann Taylor for your 50% off sale).
I bought the skirt knowing there were two other places to check on the way home (as well as online). The outlet mall in Mississippi didn't have it either (but was a great excuse for more shopping), but the outlet about 40 miles from home did. Hooray for traveling in the vicinity of outlet malls.
I bought the jacket (hanging up behind me), but not the cardi. I thought about the rain boots, (they were only $12 at Gap!) but left them behind.
I am going: After a little afternoon treat of energy, I started grocery shopping. First at Fresh Market (its like Whole Foods, but smaller and cheaper) for chicken tenders and organic fruits and veggies and then Target for everything else.
Late afternoon, I realize I haven't had lunch. Too close to dinner for anything other than 1/2 a PB & J to the rescue.
I am thankful: Also on sale on black Friday, candles. Currently burning in the bathroom, Leaves. Thank you Bath and Body works, you make a great candle and thank you, Courtney for this devotion. Such a simple thing to do, prayers for your home every time you light a candle, but so effective and I think of it every time I light a candle now.

I am reading: In my vacation mail, a surprise (this book) from my friend, another career woman, passing it along with instructions to read and then give to another professional woman. Its hard to find professional mentors. When we find them, we pass them along.
I have a great group of friends.
I am looking forward to: Left overs from Lambert's (our Saturday after Thanksgiving tradition) for dinner and incorporating/organizing/re-arranging closet and introducing new black Friday deals into the closet, and laying my outfit out for tomorrow.
Around the house: More laundry, more snacks, more piddling about, staying up too late and getting my black Friday deals incorporated.
Favorite quote for the day: "I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead." Philippians 3:10-11
Linked with the Simple Woman's Daybook
Goodbye, friends.

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