
Thursday, January 17, 2013

This 'n That Thursday

This: is the first day it hasn't rained in (I am not joking) at least two weeks. Its beautiful and cold out today, and very bright. Its like a reward for getting through the grey weather.

This: I am linked   here and here  with This 'n That Thursday

That:  Oreo Cake Balls.  Its shocking how delicious these little things are.  My neighbor brought them over last night, but didn't have the recipe. (Someone at her school sells them for $5 a dozen, which frankly is too cheap.) I was left to my own devices to Google a recipe. I've picked this one.

This:  2013 take a photo a day challenge makes me feel so productive. Butch begging for treats was my photo yesterday. (He doesn't look like someone who'll be 11 next week, does he?)

New Kitchen Rug
Dining Room rug
for comparison

That: I've been looking for/planning on/hopeful/begging for a rug for the kitchen table forever.  I'll admit it took a long time because I had something very specific in mind.  I wanted the same one that's in the dining room, but JC Penny's doesn't have it anymore. It took me a long time to find one that somewhat coordinates, one in the right size, one for the right price, and one made in the USA. This one is from Lowes. It makes me very- very happy.

Katie Did What

This:   Struck me this morning (and speaking of productivity),  I plan for A work day in my head, and I didn't want to get up this morning either, which is unusual, since I've been on a streak all January.

That: A journal I found in the bargain bin at Barnes & Nobles that I will be going back for. Every day has questions. I started my day by... The best part of my day.... Today I feel.....


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment. I've also been on the look out for a new rug, but for my living room and I haven't had much luck yet! My daughter would also love those oreo cake balls. I may try that recipe! :)

  2. Love the rugs. I started a 365 photo project, I took 6 photos, seems I've fallen a tad behind. I love journals & lists, seems to help keep me on track.

  3. Love that idea for a journal. :)

  4. Love the new rug ! Butch is such a sweet doggie.
