
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Favorites from the previous week

Another favorite this week
All flowers blooming in my yard
I'm copying off of Katie (here) although, unlike Katie, this may or may not be my new Tuesday weekly feature.

Here are some of my favorite things for this week:

TV shows: I'm currently loving "Suburgatory" and I'm sad that last week was the season finale. Whether it will continue for another season is still up in the air. I am really hopeful that it will continue, as there are not many shows I really like and when they just stop  a show in the middle without resolving  any issues I tend to continue thinking about the characters and wondering what really happened to them. (is that weird?)

Shopping: Since we're going on vacation in less than a month  to St. Augustine, Florida, I'm staying out of stores now (on a no-spend month) so I can spend some serious time at this  mall  and this one, and hopefully, talk my husband into a little trip in the middle of our trip, a little out of the way drive to Old Time Pottery outlet (just one hour and 40 minutes out of the way).

Reading:  I'm in the last chapter of this book,  Crazy Love , that I'm doing with a women's Bible Study group.  And I'm "reading" the audio book 168 hours by Laura Vanderkam. I made the wise decision to put it on my phone, so I can literally listen to it anywhere.

I declared a casual Monday and wore a Gap T-shirt to work.
then I walked to get ice cream in the afternoon. I'm a rebel.
Song:   Lately, I love "Hall of Fame"  and my alarm clock is set to wake me up singing "Handel's Messiah"

Verse: "Stay away from a fool. They have nothing to teach you." Proverbs 14:7

Workout: I don't like working out and don't do it much, so it's surprising that for the last few weeks I'm actually doing Leslie Sansone's Three Fast Miles, and more shocking..... I like it. I've been rolling out of bed (to Handel's Messiah), getting a big glass of cold water, and immediately starting a 20 minute (1 1/2 mile) work out. My plan is to slowly work up to the entire 40 minutes and 3 miles.

1 comment:

  1. Great favorites there! Love the workout plan. Lovely flowers from your garden.
