
Friday, September 27, 2013

Week in the life

Have you heard about Ali's week in the life project?

Here is my week:

  • A meeting at the Federal Courthouse in Baton Rouge. I've always liked the mature trees and winding paths. Its very peaceful (unless your being sentenced to federal prison, I guess).
  • Lilies from the grocery store. They were only $7.99 but they look expensive and my kitchen will smell delightful when they open

  • This sign was in the coffee shop. Its been that kind of week for me.
  • Raining all day Saturday was downtime for both of us. I'm laying on the couch, Butch relaxing and watching the birds.

  • I started a new Bible Study at church. I've only done Precept study once before. It is a lot of work. Seriously. A lot of work. (If you do these studies back to back (every 6 weeks), it will take you 8 years to go through the Bible. My church does two studies a year.)
  • My lunchtime view, the capital lakes.

  • Whole Foods' pumpkin patch. Its hard to get excited about pumpkins when it was 90* today.
  • Finally! The Confederate rose bush has outdone itself in the growing department, but no flowers until today.

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