Monday, January 27, 2014

my 52 hours in NYC

 Leaving home at 4:17 a.m.
Sunrise from New Orleans airport

 A little snack on the stopover in  Charlotte, NC

The view from Hilton Garden Inn room 3007

Walking to a work event (it was 9*)

This is what the Empire State Building looks like  from my room window  at 2:00 a.m.

Hotel breakfast because its too cold to go anywhere else

My favorite part of the trip, an early quiet  snow-filled morning in Central Park

My second favorite thing, visiting the Met in general and this painting specifically

On the very cold streets of Little Italy (it was 16*).

We were one of the last planes out of NYC in a snow storm.

Sharing a snack at the stopover

Flying back into New Orleans


gin said...

i would love a work trip to NYC.
The hotel breakfast is almost my favorite breakfast of all breakfasts. Central Park is pretty. And you look gorgeous.

Pegi said...

What a wonderful opportunity !
Love the photo of you in Central Park. All that snow - - and then you return home - to more snow!

Pegi said...

What a wonderful opportunity !
Love the photo of you in Central Park. All that snow - - and then you return home - to more snow!