I am more than an hour inland, so it is not going to be the devastation that it is in the other cities, but we will have our own problems of high winds and rains but no storm surge.
Some of the worst things about a hurricane: the waiting and not knowing what to expect; being without electricity (for a week during Katrina) and losing everything in the freezer; During Katrina and for weeks after, the grocery stores were only open a few hours a day because they would literally run out of food and close- same for the gas stations; the traffic; praying that a tree does not fall on your house and cleaning the duct tape off your windows.

Some of the best things about a hurricane: Neighbors coming over to tell you what they have to share... for instance... we have a grill with charcoal and my next door neighbor has a chainsaw; friends from all over checking on you and praying for you (thanks again Debbie); and spending a lot of time inside with your family (see how happy he is about it).

Now that a state of emergency has been announced, mandatory evacuations have began for cities south of me, and gas has increased about $.50 a gallon overnight, I have already been to the grocery store, Home Depot and the gas station, all of which are packed. Now I will be staying out of the evacuating traffic passing through my city, putting everything that is outside my house inside the garage (so it wont blow away or become an airborne missile), doing every load of laundry in the house (so we'll have clean clothes when there is no electricity) cooking a lot of food in the freezer (so we can eat without electricity) and I'll be praying for all of us in the Hurricane's path.
And thank you for taking a minute and thinking of us in Louisiana this long, holiday weekend and saying a little prayer, too.

I agree totally with your good and bad points about the hurricane. I do like the way our neighbors bond together during times like this. It is also nice to spend time with your family and friends. We also miss school/work for a week, but i'm not sure it's worth all the stress and worry from the waiting and then from the storm, but at least it's not all bad! I hope you are safe!!
good luck... may the time pass quickly...
I am in St. Amant on the Diversion canal right at the Ascension/Livingston line.
Thoughts and prayers to everyone! Stay safe and good luck.
You will certainly be in my prayers. There's nothing like extreme conditions to bring out the good in people ~ but at the same time, it would be nice to discover that under better circumstances! I hope you'll all be okay.
What an wonderful approach you have! Such a glass is half full attitude. I hope Gustav takes it easy on y'all!
Greetings from Wisconsin by way of BATW. You are a special person who can see the positives in such an unsure time. My hope for you is safety in the storm.
Hi bobbie! i'm here from BATW. just wanted to say i hope you and your family remain safe and out of gustav's path. we're thinking of you all!
We will be praying for you and everyone else affected by Gustav!
Thanks for the update Bobbi!
Thinking about you! Good luck!
Please stay safe!! We'll keep you in our thougths and prayers.
Coming your way by BATW and just wanting you to know that we are thinking of you up here in Chicago. We hope that you weather the storm without too much damage. Keep us up to date as you can on how you are doing. Praying for your safety and all those in the path of Gustav.
Hope that you stay safe! Thinking of you....
I'll be thinking of you. I hope you are ok. Glad you and your neighbors all look out for each other.
Just saying a quick "Hey!" from BATW...we have seen so many Louisiana tags up this way in North Mississippi...praying for y'all!
i'm lifting you up in prayers. may God watch over you and your family and give you His peace.
Continued prayers for everyone there from Hawaii.
Hi Bobbie,
Hope you and your family make it through without major problems.
We were without electricity for 6 days after Katrina....and we are about 2 and a half hours inland from the Mississippi coast.
We have tried this time to prepare and be ready!
I'll be checking back on you!
Have a feeling I'll be glued to the news today in order to keep track of how ya'll are faring. Stay safe and strong. I hope this thing turns out to be a lot less than they're making it out to be. Wouldn't that be something?! Thoughts and prayers continue your way.
I can't imagine... I am praying for you, my friend. Keep on updating us. Blessings.
Prayers for safety!
Have a wonderful Labor Day! Thank you for all your prayers and blessings,
kari & kijsa
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