I am blessed with a generator (for 10 hours at a time...), a window AC unit and cable TV! Now I am just waiting for power (days or weeks?) to start cleaning up.
Roof was a little damaged and we lost some shingles:

The Leland Cypress trees cant stand up straight anymore:

Look how the banana tree leaves are just shredded:

This is my back yard, full of shingles from the roof, branches and limbs:

This banana tree got uprooted:

This Crepe Myrtle may not make it:

There are trees down in the wooded area behind my house- I am so thankful that it was not worse and I thank you again for all your prayers and concerns for us!

Hi Bobbie,
I'm so glad it's over for you and that your damage wasn't too bad. Thanks for udating us!
Glad to hear your greenery bore the worst of it! You were definitely in my prayers yesterday and today.
I'm glad you made it through without too much damage. Thanks for checking in on me during the storm! Maybe we wont have to do this again for a while!
So glad to hear the worst is over!
You are safe!!! Praise God. Everything else can be replaced. Just a little imposition.
Glad to hear you are ok Bobbie. We are currently in the eye and waiting for the other side!! UGH!! This wind was HORRIBLE!! Very scary.
Visiting from Blog Around the World..
Glad to hear that Gustav wasn't too hard on you. My thoughts and prayers are with all in the Gulf coast area.
So glad you and your home are all ok.. Hopefully all the plants will come back...
God Bless
I am in Tampa, florida and I do not like this time of year for sure.
I agree with Diane's blog title. Your pictures are worth a million words. More prayers are on the way while you regroup. Continue to stay safe. Thanks for stopping by CA and commenting in the middle of all this chaos.
Sounds like your duct tape on the windows did the trick. Very sad about your beautiful plants - I know you've worked hard on those all summer. But praising Him because it could have been so much more... Bless you!
Hi Bobbie...
"When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade." I'm sure you are good with that. Just wanted to share something though on how to make use of all those banana leaves that Gistav destroyed...
In my country, we use them to make the rice smell even better. We place them at the bottom of the pan or rice cooker.
You could harvest the leaves, wash them clean and freeze them (Place them in ziplocs). When you are ready to cook rice, then you can just bring out the amount that you need.
Anyway, just an idea!!!
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