A killer terrorized a certain community for many years, brutally raping and killed a certain bright and beautiful young woman, after he stalked and then tortured her before killing her. After many years of investigation, where DNA experts and specialized police investigation teams were called in, he was finally captured and is now coming to the end of his trial. He has confessed to the brutal killing, the evidence is overwhelming, there are many eye witnesses, and the jury has found him guilty. When the penalty phase rolls around, the judge is more than happy to give him the death penalty that he deserves, but before he can... the young woman's mother stands up in court and begs the judge not to sentence the killer. The mother begs the judge to let the killer go free.....and for some reason.... the judge agrees... the killer is set free.... this is God's Mercy.
Now imagine the same situation..... but this time when the mother stands up, she begs the judge to set the killer free.... so that she can take him in and adopt him as her child.... and the judge does just that... The killer goes to live with the family of the young woman he killed.... he eats dinner with them each night.... he gets his own room, new clothes, a warm bed, maybe he gets an allowance... his birthdays are celebrated... there is Christmas gifts under the tree for him....the family takes vacations together....the same man who brutally killed their only daughter..... he is now, in every way, a part of that family and they deeply love him, want only the best for him, and take care of him... .. this is God's Grace. It really is amazing.....

Wonderful illustration, Bobbie. It IS truly amazing.
Yes, it is something I will never fully understand this side of Heaven!
I am going to post a delicious brownie recipe tomorrow... too lazy now and thought you might want to try it! Yum yum
Just had to tell how good dinner came out. I did it seperate, I first cooked the pork slowly with olive oil, and of course seasoning's, then after it browned alittle and was nice and tender I added the apple pie filling, it was soooo delicious, and my hubby loved it. had stuffing and biscuits, also I stopped at the bakery and bought to pieces of cakes, and wow was that good, I had got the fine china out, had went and picked all the hibicus's off my bushes and filled the table up lit 2 candles, it was pretty.
He came home and was saying wow,wow. GUESS what, he didn't remember!! But that's ok!! It was nice and fun anyways
Thanks for the recipe idea, our belly's are full. I should of taken a picture..
have a good night, chat soon...
Oh yea I did read what you wrote, it was great. I have to admit, situations like that bother me, how someone can be so mean and cruel to someone so innocent, undeserving, well lets just say, it is amazing!!
God Bless you, and THANKS again
Sharon :)
Wow! Great story! Maybe the guy never had a loving family to make the right choices for. I'm not sure I could do what they did, but it really makes you think.
I don't really know what to say about what you wrote. Grace and Mercy. I just can't see that being offered through me if I were in that situation. It makes me think....
Thank you for sharing this story and all your lovelies. I enjoy reading your posts.
Have a lovely day
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