Friday, April 9, 2010

Im glad

My once a year, two hour plus visit to H & R Block is over until next year.

A cold front blew in last night. Probably the last one until November or so.

One Amaryllis bulb (one out of 15) has a bud.

Lancolm's gift with purchase is two weeks away.

I learned how to operate the timer on the washer.

Vacation selection has been made. (Oregon. part 2).

Spring clothes shopping is coming.

My yard is full of fat squirrels and birds jocking for position at the feeder.

Someone told me to keep the bread, english muffins, and pita in the fridge. Stays fresh for weeks.


E. Tyler Rowan said...

What?! You didn't know that about the bread? I thought everyone did that! LOL. ;)

Envying your Oregon plans.

Pegi said...

"The Oregon Trail" - I know you and hubby will enjoy ! Imagine how beautiful the weather (and temps) will be!