Realized that the very fragrant little purple Flowers that are threatening to take over are four o'clock. Very old fashioned, almost wild flower that I will never get rid of, so I might as well make the most of them. I'm devising plans to corral them.
I cant remember the name of this plant but its the one that grow into a ring around the tree.... I rescued this on the side of the road after someone had dug it up and put it out for the trash. I went back for more later, but they were all taken. Looks like it has taken to its new spot. Realized this week it is growing.
Realized I have one lone Daylilly growing in my back yard. How long has it been here? Why Hadn't I seen it before?
Mother in law started me a new Zebra plant after I realized mine was dead. Master Gardener that I am, left mine outside last winter and, shockingly, three snow events was just too much for it to overcome.

Butch deserves a little summer doggie day camp during the day while you're away. I think that is a wild muscadine vine growing around your lone lily plant. You can make our own muscadine jelly when it begins to produced the fruit.
I enjoyed your post! May God's riches and best be yours. *U* Rilda
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