Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This weekend, I made:

This. With a few modifications. I used Lemons, added broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, artichoke hearts and garlic, then tossed the Shrimp and veggies on top of wheat Spaghetti and toasted french bread.

This. Except with modifications of added veggies. It was delicious. I ate mine and then some of my husband's. I think the key is to salt and pepper well.

This. In the crock pot with a bone from the Honey Baked Ham store. Replenishing some meals in the freezer.

This. using Sandwich thins as a crust and the addition of, yes, more veggies.

1 comment:

gin said...

Yum, I looked at each of the sites; and I think I will take the lime grilled shrimp and the mushroom pizza thingy, please.