Outside my window... Enjoying the effects of a cool front. Much more pleasurable to have 80* days instead of 104* its been for the last few weeks. Makes me want to burn Fall candles and put on boots, although clearly too early for both.
I am thinking... First day back to reality after a long vacation is hard. I eased back into it as least painfully as possible.
I am thankful... for two weeks vacation, even though it didn't go as planned, friends with vacation homes who share, lunch dates, bath products and cool fronts.
In the kitchen... made a big batch of Kelly Minter's Capri Pasta with summer vegetables (with modifications of course) that I plan to eat for lunch or dinner all week, and smores made with Dove chocolate.
I am going... to enjoy this weather and walk the dog.
I am reading... Fall fashion magazines.
I am looking forward to... Thanksgiving when we'll try again to take a vacation.
I am learning.... Revelation, along with the high school girls Sunday School class.
Around the house... My naked front door. (is it too soon for a Fall wreath? I want to make this one)
I am pondering... a couch.
A favorite quote for today... The one verse that sums up the book of Revelation. Revelation 17:14 "They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”
A few plans for the rest of the week.... making it to next weekend when I'll be hosting a baby shower.
A peek into my day...

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