Do you know Alison? She has single handily instituted the concept of payday pretty into my life.
Every payday, you take $20 out of the budget and get something pretty for yourself, just for yourself, just because it will make you feel pretty.
Typically I get random makeup products instead of clothing items. I am usually in Walmart on payday Friday to get groceries and the makeup section just lures me right in, and there are so many things I want to try!
This week my $20 got:
$4.48 Revlon Eyelash Curler
$1.98 Cosmetic puffs
$5.94 Maybelline color tattoo cream eyeshadow in "Bad to the Bronze" ( all the beauty talk on You-Tube is gushing about them)
$3.99 People Style Watch magazine March issue (I am slightly obsessed with this magazine)
$6.48 Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in number 620 "Wine Not"
$ 22.87 Total
(oops! a little over my limit!!)

I love that idea! I'm not sure I can spare $20 right off the bat, but what a grand idea.
Yes oops!!! But what's $2 and some change to treat yourself pretty.
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