Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Quick weeknight dessert Peach cobbler with instant oatmeal

If I'm going to get dessert on a week night, it has to be as quick and easy. This  one is very fast,  and I had all the ingredients already, but its not quite as good as a "real" one. Its also a lot less fat and calories and sugar than a "real"one.

Mix one package of instant oatmeal (I had extra fiber maple and brown sugar flavor) with two table spoons melted butter and two table spoons flour and a pinch of salt. Sprinkle it on top of a can of peaches in juice and bake for 20 minutes at 425.

I only had whip cream but this would have been even better with ice cream. It made two large servings.

Added bonus for instant portion control!

NaBloPoMo April 2013

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