The problem? I don't have time to work in these new book and I've got a stack of half finished books now. (I try to have one Bible study and one business book going at all times). One of my goals in January is to finish the books I've started reading but for one reason or another, haven't finished. My secret weapon time to read is in the bathtub. Books I'm finishing up include:

For Women Only in the Workplace by Shaunti Feldman
I know why I haven't finished this one, I find this book hard to read. The book is written by a christian author and is based around a study and it has a lot of statistics in it. Its not an easy read. It takes concentration and paying attention, which sometimes is the last thing I want to do before bed. I usually skip over this one in favor of something lighter to read. But, it also has valuable material in it and I know it would be beneficial to read. I keep plugging along.
Knowing your Value by Mika Brzezinski
A gift from a friend with instructions to read and pass onto another business woman. I've read 40 pages and put it down because I could relate to making the same mistakes in my career that Mika reports making and I was so disgusted with myself. But its fascinating and I am looking forward to reading it. Basically, Mika Brzezinski is a morning anchor on MSNBC and she was making 14 times LESS than her male co-anchor. The books is about how she kept taking on more assignments, more responsibilities and thought if she just did a good job, she wouldn't have to point it out to anyone or ask or argue for a raise, the rewards of good work would just naturally follow. That is not how it happens in real life.
How Not to Look Old by Charla Krupp
Pretty self explanatory, right? This books has a lot of easy and inexpensive things to do to look your best. The best sentence is the book (so far) "Looking younger will help keep you in the game when everyone around the conference table is younger than you."
Hand Me Another Brick by Charles Swindoll
Book and Bible Study about my favorite book of the Bible, Nehemiah, and about being a more effective manager using his model of leadership. Because it is a book and a separate work book, its lengthy and time consuming. This is the second study of Nehemiah I've done, in a row. I'll be an expert on this one book that other people hardly read.
How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Sometimes my office assigns books to read and this one was one of the last ones assigned. I think I'm the only one who really completes these assignments. I bought this book in September for vacation reading when I realized that a hurricane was coming straight for us and my vacation was going to be spent at home hosting evacuees and not in St. Augustine, Florida like we had planned. (Although we did make it to San Augustine, Tx for a few days). Somewhere along the way, after reading 3/4 of the book, I put it down.
The Beautiful Wife by Sandy Ralya
I haven't started this one yet, but bought it at least six months ago to be the next Bible Study I start, then I've over looked it a few times and started something else. This will be my next Bible Study. Its a book and workbook about praying daily for your husband.

I'm linked with what Im reading link party here

These books really interesting! I am always up for a good read!
All those books sound very intersting. You caught my attention on each one of them. Perhaps you could do a book review blog post on each and share valuable info from the books. That is awesome, sounds like you almost actually formed the new book club at B&N. Encouraging you to find the time to get all your reading done.
I have a bunch of books I need to get around to reading, too! Just don't have enough time in the day! :)
I do manage to read in the holidays... I belong to a bookclub, but rather than being prescribed a book which we all read, the host (we each host once a year), selects books. We generally know who shares the same interests and books are recommended and shared to each other. People also bring in books from their home bookshelves. As I don't get time to read often, I like to read what I enjoy. The books I choose are light hearted, set in lovely locations and pleasant.
I have a pile of books about dyslexia, sensory perceptive disorder and teenagers... sometimes those books are not as fun.
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